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Can I Wear a Wrist Watch in Basic Training?

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Jacky Chou

You’ll want to know the answer to this question before you ship out for Basic Training. Find out what the deal is with wearing a Wrist Watch during Basic Training.

Wearing a Wrist Watch in Basic Training

During Basic Training you are not allowed to wear any type of jewelry except for a small pair of post earrings. You are also not allowed to wear a watch. The only time you will be able to know what time it is, is during lights out when you can look at the clock on your nightstand.

Wearing a wrist watch is allowed

You are allowed to wear a wrist watch during basic training, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, you will be required to wear your watch at all times, except for when you are sleeping or showering. This means that you need to make sure your watch is comfortable and does not interfere with your activities. Second, you need to make sure your watch is durable and can withstand the rigors of basic training. Lastly, you need to make sure your watch is easy to read so that you can stay on schedule.

Wearing a wrist watch is not allowed

There are a few reasons for this. First, watches can be a hygiene issue. Second, trainees need to learn to read a standard clock face, which is an important skill. Third, watches can be a safety hazard if they get caught on equipment or clothing. fourth, watches can be distracting. For these reasons, trainees are not allowed to wear watches during basic training.

Reasons for not being able to wear a wrist watch

One of the most common questions people ask about Basic Training is if they are allowed to wear a wrist watch. The answer is no, you are not allowed to wear a wrist watch in Basic Training. There are a few reasons for this. One reason is that the time is not important in Basic Training.

You might get made fun of

While you are in Basic Training you might get made fun of for wearing a wrist watch. You will be told that you have no need for time and that the only thing that you need to know is when to wake up, eat, sleep, and train.

It could break and you’ll have to buy a new one

One of the most common reasons for not being able to wear a wrist watch in basic training is that it could break and you’ll have to buy a new one. If you’re not careful, your watch could get banged up pretty badly during activities like PT or during combat training. And if it does break, you’ll have to either go without a watch or buy a new one at your own expense.

You could lose it

If you bring a wrist watch to basic training, there is a good chance you will lose it. It is not allowed during physical activity, and must be stored away in a safe place during those times. Even if you are careful, things have a way of disappearing during basic training. It is best to leave your watch at home.

Reasons for being able to wear a wrist watch

Being able to wear a wrist watch has several reasons. First, it helps with time management. You are able to know what time it is without having to ask someone or look at a clock on the wall. Second, it is a way to show personality.

You’ll be able to tell time

One of the most common questions we get here at is whether or not recruits are allowed to wear watches during Basic Training. The short answer is, “Yes, but…”

Here’s the thing: You are allowed to wear a watch during Basic Training, but there are some pretty big caveats. For one, you’re only allowed to wear a “non-metallic” watch. This means no big, chunky steel watches — nothing that could potentially be used as a weapon or tool.

Another big caveat is that you really only get to wear your watch during limited times throughout the day. Specifically, you’ll be able to wear it during physical training (PT) and during evening recreation periods (ERP). That’s really it.

The reason for this is that drill sergeants need their recruits to be focused on the task at hand 100% of the time, and anything that could potentially be a distraction — like a watch beeping or vibrating — is not allowed.

During PT and ERP, however, there’s usually not much going on that requires the full attention of every recruit, so wearing a watch during those times should pose no problem.

You’ll be able to stay on schedule

One of the main reasons you’ll be able to wear a wrist watch in basic training is so that you can stay on schedule. There will be a lot of things that you’ll need to do throughout the day, and it will be important for you to stay on top of everything. Wearing a wrist watch will help you to keep track of time so that you can make sure that you’re doing everything that you need to do.

You’ll be able to stay connected to your family and friends

Staying in touch with your family and friends is important, especially during Basic Training. Wearing a wrist watch will help you stay connected to the people who matter most to you. You’ll be able to stay up-to-date on what’s going on in their lives, and they’ll be able to stay updated on your progress in Basic Training.

Jacky Chou

Jacky Chou is the co-founder of Uberwrists and has gotten into watches from his father from a young age. His first watch was a black G Shock that was comedically large for his wrist. He appreciates watches from Seiko to a Patek Philippe.

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